Dave and Adele are keener cyclists than me. They'd booked a long weekend in a log cabin a Dalby. In January. After we'd had the worst snow in how long? Maybe they're mad keen... or just mad. Anyhow after half of a 2 hour loop at Dalby took 5 hours to "cycle" through still thigh-deep snow, they thought better of the invite they'd extended to me.
We decided we'd try Hamsterley in the hope they'd had less snowfall and more snowmelt. The crush of cars on the approach road led Dave for a moment to wonder if the trail conditions were utopian. A quick step from the car onto the icerink that was the road, dampened those hopes. The never-ending squeal of tires attempting to spin their way back up the steep bank to the visitors centre proved the wisdom of leaving the cars where they were.
The word from the locals was that other than the main forest road, all other trails were rideable. And they were: we had almost 3 hours of excellent winter riding. This time, I managed to find some of the unmarked locals-only trails and we managed to weave them into a decent route without wet-foot river crossings.
At times we were literally breaking trail, though. A snow-hidden puddle with inch think ice relented to my weight, and at about 10mph, I lost my front wheel into the foot-deep bog beneath. The only over the bar off of the day, though not the only fail. Adele didn't quite pull off her pirouette on the ice of the car park at the end of the ride, and Dave managed to work his way through another set of forks.
Dave and Adele are keener cyclists than me. I know this because I was the only one to taste blood from my lungs on the first climb. Going to have to get in shape for the 200 mile Coast and Castles route in April then.
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