
Monday, April 11, 2011

It was the shandy what done it.

Discretion is the better part of valour and it may be that Simon was wise to stay away on this occasion.  I have a bit of a reputation for harming my friends on bike rides: Dan getting hypothermia on Hartside; starving Chris to the point of delerium in the snow at Chopwell; and most recently taking Simon out for a night ride on a bike he borrowed from me that had lights that shut themselves off every 8 seconds after being turned on (transport mode it turns out).  I would like to point out that its nothing personal: there was, of course, that time I gave myself 2 black eyes in Morzine.

This weekend (and I should point out here that it was entirely Paul's idea) Paul, Jon, Paul D and I cycled from Tynemouth to Corbridge via the pedestrian tunnel and Wylam; and then back via Matfen and the Reiver's Route to Wideopen. A total of 5hrs and 20minutes of cycling covering 62.6 miles. Paul blames the pint he had at lunchtime (mine was fine) but I suspect the unseasonal sunny and warm weather and "the lack of miles in the legs" was to blame.  It wasn't my fault.